Source code for opt_einsum.contract

Contains the primary optimization and contraction routines.

import numpy as np

from . import backends
from . import blas
from . import helpers
from . import parser
from . import paths

[docs]def contract_path(*operands, **kwargs): """ Evaluates the lowest cost einsum-like contraction order. Parameters ---------- subscripts : str Specifies the subscripts for summation. *operands : list of array_like These are the arrays for the operation. path : bool or list, optional (default: ``auto``) Choose the type of path. - if a list is given uses this as the path. - 'greedy' An algorithm that chooses the best pair contraction at each step. Scales cubically with the number of terms in the contraction. - 'optimal' An algorithm that tries all possible ways of contracting the listed tensors. Scales exponentially with the number of terms in the contraction. - 'auto' Use the optimal approach for small numbers of terms (currently 4 or less), else use the greedy approach. use_blas : bool Use BLAS functions or not memory_limit : int, optional (default: largest input or output array size) Maximum number of elements allowed in intermediate arrays. Returns ------- path : list of tuples The einsum path string_repr : str A printable representation of the path Notes ----- The resulting path indicates which terms of the input contraction should be contracted first, the result of this contraction is then appended to the end of the contraction list. Examples -------- We can begin with a chain dot example. In this case it is optimal to contract the b and c tensors reprsented by the first element of the path (1, 2). The resulting tensor is added to the end of the contraction and the remaining contraction (0, 1) is then completed. >>> a = np.random.rand(2, 2) >>> b = np.random.rand(2, 5) >>> c = np.random.rand(5, 2) >>> path_info = opt_einsum.contract_path('ij,jk,kl->il', a, b, c) >>> print(path_info[0]) [(1, 2), (0, 1)] >>> print(path_info[1]) Complete contraction: ij,jk,kl->il Naive scaling: 4 Optimized scaling: 3 Naive FLOP count: 1.600e+02 Optimized FLOP count: 5.600e+01 Theoretical speedup: 2.857 Largest intermediate: 4.000e+00 elements ------------------------------------------------------------------------- scaling current remaining ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 kl,jk->jl ij,jl->il 3 jl,ij->il il->il A more complex index transformation example. >>> I = np.random.rand(10, 10, 10, 10) >>> C = np.random.rand(10, 10) >>> path_info = oe.contract_path('ea,fb,abcd,gc,hd->efgh', C, C, I, C, C) >>> print(path_info[0]) [(0, 2), (0, 3), (0, 2), (0, 1)] >>> print(path_info[1]) Complete contraction: ea,fb,abcd,gc,hd->efgh Naive scaling: 8 Optimized scaling: 5 Naive FLOP count: 8.000e+08 Optimized FLOP count: 8.000e+05 Theoretical speedup: 1000.000 Largest intermediate: 1.000e+04 elements -------------------------------------------------------------------------- scaling current remaining -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 abcd,ea->bcde fb,gc,hd,bcde->efgh 5 bcde,fb->cdef gc,hd,cdef->efgh 5 cdef,gc->defg hd,defg->efgh 5 defg,hd->efgh efgh->efgh """ # Make sure all keywords are valid valid_contract_kwargs = ['path', 'memory_limit', 'einsum_call', 'use_blas'] unknown_kwargs = [k for (k, v) in kwargs.items() if k not in valid_contract_kwargs] if len(unknown_kwargs): raise TypeError("einsum_path: Did not understand the following kwargs: %s" % unknown_kwargs) path_type = kwargs.pop('path', 'auto') memory_limit = kwargs.pop('memory_limit', None) # Hidden option, only einsum should call this einsum_call_arg = kwargs.pop("einsum_call", False) use_blas = kwargs.pop('use_blas', True) # Python side parsing input_subscripts, output_subscript, operands = parser.parse_einsum_input(operands) # Build a few useful list and sets input_list = input_subscripts.split(',') input_sets = [set(x) for x in input_list] input_shps = [x.shape for x in operands] output_set = set(output_subscript) indices = set(input_subscripts.replace(',', '')) # Get length of each unique dimension and ensure all dimensions are correct dimension_dict = {} for tnum, term in enumerate(input_list): sh = input_shps[tnum] if len(sh) != len(term): raise ValueError("Einstein sum subscript %s does not contain the " "correct number of indices for operand %d." % (input_subscripts[tnum], tnum)) for cnum, char in enumerate(term): dim = sh[cnum] if char in dimension_dict: # For broadcasting cases we always want the largest dim size if dimension_dict[char] == 1: dimension_dict[char] = dim elif dim not in (1, dimension_dict[char]): raise ValueError("Size of label '%s' for operand %d (%d) " "does not match previous terms (%d)." % (char, tnum, dimension_dict[char], dim)) else: dimension_dict[char] = dim # Compute size of each input array plus the output array size_list = [helpers.compute_size_by_dict(term, dimension_dict) for term in input_list + [output_subscript]] out_size = max(size_list) if memory_limit is None: memory_arg = out_size else: if memory_limit < 1: if memory_limit == -1: memory_arg = int(1e20) else: raise ValueError("Memory limit must be larger than 0, or -1") else: memory_arg = int(memory_limit) num_ops = len(input_list) # Compute naive cost # This isnt quite right, need to look into exactly how einsum does this # indices_in_input = input_subscripts.replace(',', '') inner_product = (sum(len(x) for x in input_sets) - len(indices)) > 0 naive_cost = helpers.flop_count(indices, inner_product, num_ops, dimension_dict) # Compute the path if not isinstance(path_type, str): path = path_type elif num_ops == 1: # Nothing to be optimized path = [(0, )] elif num_ops == 2: # Nothing to be optimized path = [(0, 1)] elif indices == output_set: # If no rank reduction leave it to einsum path = [tuple(range(num_ops))] elif path_type == "optimal" or (path_type == "auto" and num_ops <= 4): path = paths.optimal(input_sets, output_set, dimension_dict, memory_arg) elif path_type in ("greedy", "opportunistic", "auto"): path = paths.greedy(input_sets, output_set, dimension_dict, memory_arg) else: raise KeyError("Path name %s not found" % path_type) cost_list = [] scale_list = [] size_list = [] contraction_list = [] # Build contraction tuple (positions, gemm, einsum_str, remaining) for cnum, contract_inds in enumerate(path): # Make sure we remove inds from right to left contract_inds = tuple(sorted(list(contract_inds), reverse=True)) contract_tuple = helpers.find_contraction(contract_inds, input_sets, output_set) out_inds, input_sets, idx_removed, idx_contract = contract_tuple # Compute cost, scale, and size cost = helpers.flop_count(idx_contract, idx_removed, len(contract_inds), dimension_dict) cost_list.append(cost) scale_list.append(len(idx_contract)) size_list.append(helpers.compute_size_by_dict(out_inds, dimension_dict)) tmp_inputs = [input_list.pop(x) for x in contract_inds] tmp_shapes = [input_shps.pop(x) for x in contract_inds] if use_blas: do_blas = blas.can_blas(tmp_inputs, out_inds, idx_removed, tmp_shapes) else: do_blas = False # Last contraction if (cnum - len(path)) == -1: idx_result = output_subscript else: # use tensordot order to minimize transpositions all_input_inds = "".join(tmp_inputs) idx_result = "".join(sorted(out_inds, key=all_input_inds.find)) shp_result = parser.find_output_shape(tmp_inputs, tmp_shapes, idx_result) input_list.append(idx_result) input_shps.append(shp_result) einsum_str = ",".join(tmp_inputs) + "->" + idx_result contraction = (contract_inds, idx_removed, einsum_str, input_list[:], do_blas) contraction_list.append(contraction) opt_cost = sum(cost_list) if einsum_call_arg: return operands, contraction_list # Return the path along with a nice string representation overall_contraction = input_subscripts + "->" + output_subscript header = ("scaling", "BLAS", "current", "remaining") path_print = " Complete contraction: %s\n" % overall_contraction path_print += " Naive scaling: %d\n" % len(indices) path_print += " Optimized scaling: %d\n" % max(scale_list) path_print += " Naive FLOP count: %.3e\n" % naive_cost path_print += " Optimized FLOP count: %.3e\n" % opt_cost path_print += " Theoretical speedup: %3.3f\n" % (naive_cost / float(opt_cost)) path_print += " Largest intermediate: %.3e elements\n" % max(size_list) path_print += "-" * 80 + "\n" path_print += "%6s %11s %22s %37s\n" % header path_print += "-" * 80 for n, contraction in enumerate(contraction_list): inds, idx_rm, einsum_str, remaining, do_blas = contraction remaining_str = ",".join(remaining) + "->" + output_subscript path_run = (scale_list[n], do_blas, einsum_str, remaining_str) path_print += "\n%4d %14s %22s %37s" % path_run return path, path_print
def _einsum(*operands, **kwargs): """Base einsum, but with pre-parse for valid characters if string given. """ fn = backends.get_func('einsum', kwargs.pop('backend', 'numpy')) if not isinstance(operands[0], str): return fn(*operands, **kwargs) einsum_str, operands = operands[0], operands[1:] # Do we need to temporarily map indices into [a-z,A-Z] range? if not parser.has_valid_einsum_chars_only(einsum_str): # Explicitly find output str first so as to maintain order if '->' not in einsum_str: einsum_str += '->' + parser.find_output_str(einsum_str) einsum_str = parser.convert_to_valid_einsum_chars(einsum_str) return fn(einsum_str, *operands, **kwargs) def _transpose(x, axes, backend='numpy'): """Base transpose. """ try: return x.transpose(axes) except (AttributeError, TypeError): # some libraries don't implement method version fn = backends.get_func('transpose', backend) return fn(x, axes) def _tensordot(x, y, axes, backend='numpy'): """Base tensordot. """ fn = backends.get_func('tensordot', backend) return fn(x, y, axes=axes) # Rewrite einsum to handle different cases
[docs]def contract(*operands, **kwargs): """ contract(subscripts, *operands, out=None, dtype=None, order='K', casting='safe', use_blas=True, optimize=True, memory_limit=None, backend='numpy') Evaluates the Einstein summation convention on the operands. A drop in replacment for NumPy's einsum function that optimizes the order of contraction to reduce overall scaling at the cost of several intermediate arrays. Parameters ---------- subscripts : str Specifies the subscripts for summation. *operands : list of array_like These are the arrays for the operation. out : array_like A output array in which set the resulting output. dtype : str The dtype of the given contraction, see np.einsum. order : str The order of the resulting contraction, see np.einsum. casting : str The casting procedure for operations of different dtype, see np.einsum. use_blas : bool Do you use BLAS for valid operations, may use extra memory for more intermediates. optimize : bool, str, or list, optional (default: ``greedy``) Choose the type of path. - if a list is given uses this as the path. - 'greedy' An algorithm that chooses the best pair contraction at each step. Scales cubically with the number of terms in the contraction. - 'optimal' An algorithm that tries all possible ways of contracting the listed tensors. Scales exponentially with the number of terms in the contraction. memory_limit : int or None (default : None) The upper limit of the size of tensor created, by default this will be Give the upper bound of the largest intermediate tensor contract will build. By default (None) will size the ``memory_limit`` as the largest input tensor. Users can also specify ``-1`` to allow arbitrarily large tensors to be built. backend : str, optional (default: ``numpy``) Which library to use to perform the required ``tensordot``, ``transpose`` and ``einsum`` calls. Should match the types of arrays supplied, See :func:`contract_expression` for generating expressions which convert numpy arrays to and from the backend library automatically. Returns ------- out : array_like The result of the einsum expression. Notes ----- This function should produce result identical to that of NumPy's einsum function. The primary difference is ``contract`` will attempt to form intermediates which reduce the overall scaling of the given einsum contraction. By default the worst intermediate formed will be equal to that of the largest input array. For large einsum expressions with many input arrays this can provide arbitrarily large (1000 fold+) speed improvements. For contractions with just two tensors this function will attempt to use NumPy's built in BLAS functionality to ensure that the given operation is preformed in an optimal manner. When NumPy is linked to a threaded BLAS, potenital speedsups are on the order of 20-100 for a six core machine. Examples -------- See :func:`opt_einsum.contract_path` or :func:`numpy.einsum` """ optimize_arg = kwargs.pop('optimize', True) if optimize_arg is True: optimize_arg = 'greedy' valid_einsum_kwargs = ['out', 'dtype', 'order', 'casting'] einsum_kwargs = {k: v for (k, v) in kwargs.items() if k in valid_einsum_kwargs} # If no optimization, run pure einsum if optimize_arg is False: return _einsum(*operands, **einsum_kwargs) # Grab non-einsum kwargs use_blas = kwargs.pop('use_blas', True) memory_limit = kwargs.pop('memory_limit', None) backend = kwargs.pop('backend', 'numpy') gen_expression = kwargs.pop('_gen_expression', False) constants_dict = kwargs.pop('_constants_dict', {}) # Make sure remaining keywords are valid for einsum unknown_kwargs = [k for (k, v) in kwargs.items() if k not in valid_einsum_kwargs] if len(unknown_kwargs): raise TypeError("Did not understand the following kwargs: %s" % unknown_kwargs) if gen_expression: full_str = operands[0] # Build the contraction list and operand operands, contraction_list = contract_path( *operands, path=optimize_arg, memory_limit=memory_limit, einsum_call=True, use_blas=use_blas) # check if performing contraction or just building expression if gen_expression: return ContractExpression(full_str, contraction_list, constants_dict, **einsum_kwargs) return _core_contract(operands, contraction_list, backend=backend, **einsum_kwargs)
def _core_contract(operands, contraction_list, backend='numpy', evaluate_constants=False, **einsum_kwargs): """Inner loop used to perform an actual contraction given the output from a ``contract_path(..., einsum_call=True)`` call. """ # Special handling if out is specified out_array = einsum_kwargs.pop('out', None) specified_out = out_array is not None # try and do as much as possible without einsum if not available no_einsum = not backends.has_einsum(backend) # Start contraction loop for num, contraction in enumerate(contraction_list): inds, idx_rm, einsum_str, remaining, blas_flag = contraction # check if we are performing the pre-pass of an expression with constants, # if so, break out upon finding first non-constant (None) operand if evaluate_constants and any(operands[x] is None for x in inds): return operands, contraction_list[num:] tmp_operands = [operands.pop(x) for x in inds] # Do we need to deal with the output? handle_out = specified_out and ((num + 1) == len(contraction_list)) # Call tensordot (check if should prefer einsum, but only if available) if blas_flag and ('EINSUM' not in blas_flag or no_einsum): # Checks have already been handled input_str, results_index = einsum_str.split('->') input_left, input_right = input_str.split(',') tensor_result = "".join(s for s in input_left + input_right if s not in idx_rm) # Find indices to contract over left_pos, right_pos = [], [] for s in idx_rm: left_pos.append(input_left.find(s)) right_pos.append(input_right.find(s)) # Contract! new_view = _tensordot(*tmp_operands, axes=(tuple(left_pos), tuple(right_pos)), backend=backend) # Build a new view if needed if (tensor_result != results_index) or handle_out: transpose = tuple(map(tensor_result.index, results_index)) new_view = _transpose(new_view, axes=transpose, backend=backend) if handle_out: out_array[:] = new_view # Call einsum else: # If out was specified if handle_out: einsum_kwargs["out"] = out_array # Do the contraction new_view = _einsum(einsum_str, *tmp_operands, backend=backend, **einsum_kwargs) # Append new items and dereference what we can operands.append(new_view) del tmp_operands, new_view if specified_out: return out_array else: return operands[0] def format_const_einsum_str(einsum_str, constants): """Add brackets to the constant terms in ``einsum_str``. For example: >>> format_const_einsum_str('ab,bc,cd->ad', [0, 2]) 'bc,[ab,cd]->ad' No-op if there are no constants. """ if not constants: return einsum_str if "->" in einsum_str: lhs, rhs = einsum_str.split('->') arrow = "->" else: lhs, rhs, arrow = einsum_str, "", "" wrapped_terms = ["[{}]".format(t) if i in constants else t for i, t in enumerate(lhs.split(','))] formatted_einsum_str = "{}{}{}".format(','.join(wrapped_terms), arrow, rhs) # merge adjacent constants formatted_einsum_str = formatted_einsum_str.replace("],[", ',') return formatted_einsum_str
[docs]class ContractExpression: """Helper class for storing an explicit ``contraction_list`` which can then be repeatedly called solely with the array arguments. """
[docs] def __init__(self, contraction, contraction_list, constants_dict, **einsum_kwargs): self.contraction_list = contraction_list self.einsum_kwargs = einsum_kwargs self.contraction = format_const_einsum_str(contraction, constants_dict.keys()) # need to know _full_num_args to parse constants with, and num_args to call with self._full_num_args = contraction.count(',') + 1 self.num_args = self._full_num_args - len(constants_dict) # likewise need to know full contraction list self._full_contraction_list = contraction_list self._constants_dict = constants_dict self._evaluated_constants = {} self._backend_expressions = {}
[docs] def evaluate_constants(self, backend='numpy'): """Convert any constant operands to the correct backend form, and perform as many contractions as possible to create a new list of operands, stored in ``self._evaluated_constants[backend]``. This also makes sure ``self.contraction_list`` only contains the remaining, non-const operations. """ # prepare a list of operands, with `None` for non-consts tmp_const_ops = [self._constants_dict.get(i, None) for i in range(self._full_num_args)] # get the new list of operands with constant operations performed, and remaining contractions new_ops, new_contraction_list = self(*tmp_const_ops, backend=backend, evaluate_constants=True) self._evaluated_constants[backend] = new_ops self.contraction_list = new_contraction_list
def _get_evaluated_constants(self, backend): """Retrieve or generate the cached list of constant operators (mixed in with None representing non-consts) and the remaining contraction list. """ try: return self._evaluated_constants[backend] except KeyError: self.evaluate_constants(backend) return self._evaluated_constants[backend] def _get_backend_expression(self, arrays, backend): try: return self._backend_expressions[backend] except KeyError: fn = backends.build_expression(backend, arrays, self) self._backend_expressions[backend] = fn return fn def _contract(self, arrays, out=None, backend='numpy', evaluate_constants=False): """The normal, core contraction. """ contraction_list = self._full_contraction_list if evaluate_constants else self.contraction_list return _core_contract(list(arrays), contraction_list, out=out, backend=backend, evaluate_constants=evaluate_constants, **self.einsum_kwargs) def _contract_with_conversion(self, arrays, out, backend, evaluate_constants=False): """Special contraction, i.e. contraction with a different backend but converting to and from that backend. Retrieves or generates a cached expression using ``arrays`` as templates, then calls it with ``arrays``. If ``evaluate_constants=True``, perform a partial contraction that prepares the constant tensors and operations with the right backend. """ # convert consts to correct type & find reduced contraction list if evaluate_constants: return backends.evaluate_constants(backend, arrays, self) result = self._get_backend_expression(arrays, backend)(*arrays) if out is not None: out[()] = result return out return result def __call__(self, *arrays, **kwargs): """Evaluate this expression with a set of arrays. Parameters ---------- arrays : seq of array The arrays to supply as input to the expression. out : array, optional (default: ``None``) If specified, output the result into this array. backend : str, optional (default: ``numpy``) Perform the contraction with this backend library. If numpy arrays are supplied then try to convert them to and from the correct backend array type. """ out = kwargs.pop('out', None) backend = kwargs.pop('backend', 'numpy') evaluate_constants = kwargs.pop('evaluate_constants', False) if kwargs: raise ValueError("The only valid keyword arguments to a `ContractExpression` " "call are `out=` or `backend=`. Got: %s." % kwargs) correct_num_args = self._full_num_args if evaluate_constants else self.num_args if len(arrays) != correct_num_args: raise ValueError("This `ContractExpression` takes exactly %s array arguments " "but received %s." % (self.num_args, len(arrays))) if self._constants_dict and not evaluate_constants: # fill in the missing non-constant terms with newly supplied arrays ops_var, ops_const = iter(arrays), self._get_evaluated_constants(backend) ops = [next(ops_var) if op is None else op for op in ops_const] else: ops = arrays try: # Check if the backend requires special preparation / calling # but also ignore non-numpy arrays -> assume user wants same type back if backend in backends.CONVERT_BACKENDS and any(isinstance(x, np.ndarray) for x in arrays): return self._contract_with_conversion(ops, out, backend, evaluate_constants=evaluate_constants) return self._contract(ops, out, backend, evaluate_constants=evaluate_constants) except ValueError as err: original_msg = str(err.args) if err.args else "" msg = ("Internal error while evaluating `ContractExpression`. Note that few checks are performed" " - the number and rank of the array arguments must match the original expression. " "The internal error was: '%s'" % original_msg, ) err.args = msg raise def __repr__(self): if self._constants_dict: constants_repr = ", constants={}".format(sorted(self._constants_dict)) else: constants_repr = "" return "<ContractExpression('{}'{})>".format(self.contraction, constants_repr) def __str__(self): s = self.__repr__() for i, c in enumerate(self.contraction_list): s += "\n %i. " % (i + 1) s += "'%s'" % c[2] + (" [%s]" % c[-1] if c[-1] else "") if self.einsum_kwargs: s += "\neinsum_kwargs=%s" % self.einsum_kwargs return s
def shape_only(shape): """Dummy ``numpy.ndarray`` which has a shape only - for generating contract expressions. """ return np.broadcast_to(np.nan, shape)
[docs]def contract_expression(subscripts, *shapes, **kwargs): """Generate an reusable expression for a given contraction with specific shapes, which can for example be cached. Parameters ---------- subscripts : str Specifies the subscripts for summation. shapes : sequence of integer tuples Shapes of the arrays to optimize the contraction for. constants : sequence of int, optional The indices of any constant arguments in ``shapes``, in which case the actual array should be supplied at that position rather than just a shape. If these are specified, then constant parts of the contraction between calls will be reused. Additionally, if a gpu-enabled backend is used for example, then the constant tensors will be kept on the gpu, minimizing transfers. kwargs : Passed on to ``contract_path`` or ``einsum``. See ``contract``. Returns ------- expr : ContractExpression Callable with signature ``expr(*arrays, out=None, backend='numpy')`` where the array's shapes should match ``shapes``. Notes ----- - The `out` keyword argument should be supplied to the generated expression rather than this function. - The `backend` keyword argument should also be supplied to the generated expression. If numpy arrays are supplied, if possible they will be converted to and back from the correct backend array type. - The generated expression will work with any arrays which have the same rank (number of dimensions) as the original shapes, however, if the actual sizes are different, the expression may no longer be optimal. - Constant operations will be computed upon first call with a particular backend, then subsequently reused. Examples -------- Basic usage: >>> expr = contract_expression("ab,bc->ac", (3, 4), (4, 5)) >>> a, b = np.random.rand(3, 4), np.random.rand(4, 5) >>> c = expr(a, b) >>> np.allclose(c, a @ b) True Supply ``a`` as a constant: >>> expr = contract_expression("ab,bc->ac", a, (4, 5), constants=[0]) >>> expr <ContractExpression('[ab],bc->ac', constants=[0])> >>> c = expr(b) >>> np.allclose(c, a @ b) True """ if not kwargs.get('optimize', True): raise ValueError("Can only generate expressions for optimized contractions.") for arg in ('out', 'backend'): if kwargs.get(arg, None) is not None: raise ValueError("'%s' should only be specified when calling a " "`ContractExpression`, not when building it." % arg) kwargs['_gen_expression'] = True # build dict of constant indices mapped to arrays constants = kwargs.pop('constants', ()) constants_dict = {i: shapes[i] for i in constants} kwargs['_constants_dict'] = constants_dict # apart from constant arguments, make dummy arrays dummy_arrays = [s if i in constants else shape_only(s) for i, s in enumerate(shapes)] return contract(subscripts, *dummy_arrays, **kwargs)